Combat displays

Our members have all undergone training to be able to use real medieval reproduction weapons safely on the field during combat displays. We typically specialise in melee displays, but our members love the chance to bring out their bows and do some ranged combat when possible!

Take a look at one of our displays and you'll notice its not just all sword-and-shield either, but a whole range of melee weapons being used! From the powerful Dane axe to the efficient spear, the crafty short axe to the devastating flail, the amalgamation of awesome weapons is sure to keep you entertained (and our combatants on their toes!).

Its not just small-scale tournaments that we fight in, but also huge re-enactments sometimes involving over one hundred people! For instance, we've fought at the battles of Hastings, Lewes, and Evesham, as well as climbed the walls of Dover, Framlingham, and Weoley Castle!

All our weapons and armour are rooted in real history and are weighted properly - we do not use foam reproductions, but we do make sure our weapons are blunt! All our war gear is the real deal (or as close as you can get in the 21st century!) and we're more than happy to explain it to you at one of our displays.