Frequently asked questions

Still not sure if this is for you? Or do you have a particular query about joining us? Then please read through the commonly asked questions below:

How do I join?

Easy! Either send an email to or send us a message via Facebook and we will be able to give you more instructions on how to join. We can then arrange for you to attend one of our training sessions or your first show.

How much does it cost to join?

Membership is £15.00 for the year and will cover all insurance for the season. However, your first show or first 4 training sessions are free. You will only be expected to join once you know that you want to do the hobby.

Do I have to provide all my equipment for my first show?

No, many groups within Stronghold have equipment to lend to new recruits. We will aim to fully kit you out with clothing, weapons, safety equipment and space in a period tent for your first few shows. Once you have a feel for the hobby and know what character you wish to portray then we can assist you in putting together your own equipment at your own pace. A lot of equipment is made in-house so costs are kept as low as possible.

How old do I have to be to take part?

In order to be on the battlefield you need to be at least 16 years old and have your parent/guardian in attendance. There is no age limit for taking part in the camp, but all under 18s must have their parent or guardian in attendance.

How does the fighting work?

This depends a bit what we are doing, but broadly speaking there are two types of combat. First, we have a largely display based combat that is designed to attempt to show how medieval battles looked and is normally used when we fighting in large historical battles.
We also use a form of competitive combat which is free-style. Combatants attempt to score hits upon their opponents' target areas in order to "kill" them. These hit rules are modified by wearing armour.

Will I be trained to use weapons?

If you want to, yes! All new members who want to take part in combat are given training in the various weapons they use. Members are then required to pass a safety assessment to check they are safe and capable with the weapon. After this they can use that weapon at any Stronghold show. There is a broad variety of weapons used during the high medieval, so there is always something new to learn.

What can I do around camp?

If you don’t want to fight, we have an active Living History camp with lots of different crafts to try. This can be anything from maille making, working with textiles and cooking to more leisurely past times such as playing authentic games.